Here are some of my favorite projects that range from social media graphics, infographics, and web design that I have worked on over the past 15 years.
When COVID-19 hit Arizona, many of the news outlets started to report the numbers on a daily basis. As the cases and deaths began to rise, I noticed they would only focus on the total numbers reported each day. They never reported details into what each number meant. After seeing that they pulled their information from the Arizona Dept of Health Services, I decided to create my own graphic to show more detail. The first one would be posted on AzFamily’s Facebook page. As they would show the totals of deaths and cases, I would show how the increase and the actual reported numbers per day.
Fast forward a few weeks and my graphic has grown and now includes much more information. It is posted on my own personal page and two other news outlets on their social media. The influence of this graphic has changed the way AzFamily KTVK 3 now reports the numbers each day. I still am happy to provide this information each day.